Letter: If I wanted this drivel, I’d watch ‘Fox & Friends’ - News Channel One

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Letter: If I wanted this drivel, I’d watch ‘Fox & Friends’

The other night I was appalled to watch so-called “exclusive interview” with Donald Trump and the executive of Sinclair in the middle of the news program at 10 p.m.

It must be excruciatingly painful for the news anchors to have to listen as they are called perpetrators of “fake” news, terrible people, etc., etc.

They, as employees, have to listen to it. I don’t!

I have been a follower of KUTV news since the days of Michele King, Terry Woods, et al., but if I wanted to listen to this drivel, I could always turn to “Fox & Friends.”

I hope this is just a short-term mistake, but inserting opinion in the middle of a news broadcast that has nothing to do with the topics at hand is ludicrous and disingenuous.

I am, of course, only one voice, but the other local options are looking much better right now.

John Gurr, Salt Lake City

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from The Salt Lake Tribune http://bit.ly/2PlpmYp

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