Weekly Health Quiz: Glyphosate, Exercise and Sleep - News Channel One

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Weekly Health Quiz: Glyphosate, Exercise and Sleep

1 Which of the following types of exercise has been shown to be particularly effective for diabetes and insulin resistance?

  • Stretching
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength training

    Research shows strength training is particularly beneficial for lowering your risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. Strength training improves your glucose metabolism by increasing glucose transporter type 4 translocation into skeletal muscle, which is required for proper regulation of glucose uptake in your muscles. It also increases your insulin sensitivity, as lean muscle is highly sensitive to insulin. Learn more.

  • Low-impact exercise such as Tai-chi

2 Which of the following statements is true?

  • The MMR II (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine was thoroughly tested on tens of thousands of children prior to licensing in 1978
  • Pre-licensing trials of the MMR II vaccine, numbering in the dozens, show negligible harm
  • The MMR vaccine has been widely tested on all age groups, including babies as young as 6 months, pregnant women, adults and the elderly
  • The MMR II vaccine was licensed based on eight clinical trials of less than 1,000 children and results show about half of those receiving the MMR developed upper respiratory illness and/or gastrointestinal illness

    FDA documents obtained via FOIA requests filed by the Informed Consent Action Network reveal the MMR II vaccine was licensed based on clinical trials involving just 834 children, of which only 342 received the MMR vaccine; results show a shocking amount of vaccine reactions, especially upper respiratory illness and gastrointestinal illness, the latter of which is a common complaint among children with autism spectrum disorder. Learn more.

3 Research shows a majority of urinary tract infections are the result of:

  • Exposure to raw chicken contaminated with E. coli

    Studies using DNA matching have shown a majority of urinary tract infections are the result of exposure to contaminated chicken, not sexual contact. Learn more.

  • Sexual contact with an infected person
  • Transfer of E.coli from your anus to your urethra
  • Exposure to pork contaminated with E. coli

4 Which of the following are now required by the FDA to carry a black box warning, stating side effects include dangerous behaviors that can lead to injury or death?

  • Diabetes drugs
  • Sleeping pills

    On April 30, 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it will require sedative-hypnotics — a class of sleep medication used to treat insomnia — to carry a black box warning stating drug side effects may include dangerous behaviors, such as eating, walking, driving or engaging in a range of activities in your sleep that can lead to injury or death. Learn more.

  • Cholesterol-lowering medication
  • Energy drinks

5 Which of the following chemicals produced by your body is responsible for many aspects of runner's high?

  • Endorphins
  • Oxytocin
  • The cannabinoid anandamide

    While runner's high is typically attributed to the release of endorphins, running also dramatically increases the cannabinoid anandamide in your body. According to research, your "cannabinoid receptors are crucial for main aspects of a runner's high." Learn more.

  • Cortisol

6 Glyphosate has been called a probable carcinogen by:

  • U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control
  • U.N.'s Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer

    Glyphosate was declared a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2015. Learn more.

7 Cutting edge cancer research led by Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., suggests that in order to safely and effectively treat cancer, you must:

  • Restrict fermentable fuels — glucose and glutamine — in a cyclical fashion to avoid causing damage to the immune system

    All cancer cells, regardless of tissue origin, are fermenters. They ferment lactic acid from glucose as a substrate. Cancer cells also need glutamine to survive and thrive. Press-pulse cancer treatment, which is under development by Thomas Seyfried, involves restricting the fermentable fuels — glucose and glutamine — in a cyclical fashion to avoid causing damage to the immune system. Learn more.

  • Combine radiation and chemo in a pulsed fashion
  • Combine radiation and/or chemo with a vegetarian diet
  • Avoid biopsies and leave tumors to resolve on their own

from Articles http://bit.ly/2HrRRS7

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